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Woke up under zhu fengmei s careful care she has moved freely and it is almost impossible to tell that she is recovering from a serious illness su ruoxing is very grateful to zhu fengmei after getting along with her for a.
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Young mistress the young master has not been able to sleep well these days he has not closed his eyes for seven days and seven nights you can see that his eyes are full of red bloodshot eyes in order to coax young mistress.
Inconvenient than qiao zhanchen s words use a lot su ruoxing s heart softened she helped qiao zhanchen bandage the wound packed up his things and walked out of the room professor qiao rest don t call me if you have.
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You that I will officially resign from qiao s and join qin s r d team I disagree qiao zhanchen s handsome face was clouded su ruoxing do you know what you are doing qin s is a transfer station controlled by interest groups i.
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Chengji don t be angry well didn t I come to see you don t worry I have already helped your mother and younger brothers and sisters settle down so that they will have no worries about food and clothing in the future when lu.
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Walked towards su ruoxing s hiding place seeing that qiao chixuan was about to find him su ruoxing I had no choice but to grit my teeth and run it was dark qiao chixuan only saw a pretty figure rushing out of the door and.
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